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Monday 28 February 2011

A disappointing monday! >:[

You know what sucks today?

Well, this is due to really bad planning=(. We actually planned to have one sweet photo of the whole, well not absolute and entirely complete family photo, but a family one during a one and a half hour’s break, BUT…unfortunately I myself got caught up with a group assignment =(. DAMN!

Well, that on its own is already bad , BUT  it’s not the worse. Yes, readers, THERE  IS  A  WORSE!!!!!!

There is nothing really interesting for today that I can really TELL ALL YALL!!! =O

This cannot go on! What about the success of the blog?? =O oh no! Well, hopefully things don’t go all messed up all the time, and there would be at least one or two things which I can update you guys about. Hopefully something funny, or retarded, awesome, or…SOMETHING LA! ><

Not like I have many readers atm, but HEY! Stay tuned for the next epi-post of All About the HELP-ings, and ME! :D

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